How to Crack the CS exam without coaching? Clear Company Secretary exam with self-study

I hope you all doing your best to clear the CS exam on the first attempt. I will try to cover the STUDY PLAN TO CRACK CS EXAMS given by an expert.


Stage 1 – Within 2 months Understand the Concepts & Techniques of CS exam

                While in the lesson, prepare notes or summarize everything, and mark key amounts. It's fine if you don't remember everything; just make sure you understand everything.

                While taking lessons, you do not need to study separately. Simply ensure that you visit on a regular basis. Maintain a complete set of notes at all times.

            Don't focus on the examinations; instead, imagine that you've come to study something new. Exams are only a test; what matters is knowledge. As a result, learn as much as you can.


Stage 2 – Now In 3 days, Understand the Structure of Examination Papers

                When you've finished with your self-study, go over all of the most recent papers, such as those from the previous three years or the last six tries, to learn about the format of exam papers and see what they're like!

                It would provide you exam insights, and you'll know how to study and what kind of questions you'll need to compose to test yourself when preparing for examinations.

Stage 3 - Next in 2 months, Prepare for the Exam (First Revision)

                At this point, you'll solve what you've learned so far, bearing in mind the kind of problems you'll see in the CS exam.

Stage 4 – Now in next for 1 month, Second Revision, or Personality Revision to boost your confidence in what you've learned

                Such revision should really be short; for example, each day you should do one chapter from each of the four subjects.

                There's no need to solve; simply keep reading and attempting to respond. You may answer one or two questions roughly. Attempt to read questions aloud and respond to them.

Stage 5 – Before Exam Preparation (paper-solving) in 16+8 days

                You familiarise yourself with test circumstances and assess your level of preparedness.

                These months will either be May or November (according to your attempt). It's precisely one month till the tests. So you must imagine exactly how the scenario will be one month from now.

Your preparation exam should be scheduled as follows:

January 11th Analyze Company Law

Exam on Company Law on February 11th (2 pm to 5 pm)

11th of March Examine ECL

Exam ECL 4th April (2 pm to 5 pm) and so forth

See no need to participate in Coaching Classes' practice examinations. You can do it yourself at home, which is a far better alternative.

Following the completion of the first round of Paper-solving, you should begin the second round of Paper-solving on a daily basis, i.e. 8 days in a row.


Stage 6 – One-Day Match, also known as the Third Revision within 8 days.

                To prepare for test period studying and a concluding round of preparation. The third revision is for correcting errors that you discovered while working on the past year's exam perpers.

                We will be aware of our errors, so you will simply revise all topics (1 subject each day) while simultaneously correcting errors, finding answers to your difficulties, planning which chapter questions to address first, and so on.

                You might also attempt revising the entire section in 75 percent of the day and then doing paper solving in the remaining 25% of the day.

                This time, instead of solving for 3 hours, you complete a reduced paper or only look at the paper, develop a strategy, and solve a few sums in 1-2 hours.

                This executive stage is primarily intended to instill skills and competence in students who have completed the executive program.

The primary goal is to prepare students to work as Secretarial Executives in businesses or professional consulting firms.

Every year, hundreds of children fail the exam because they stress more than is required.

Though a little worry indicates that you are enthusiastic about the exam and your profession, panicking might place you in a stressful situation. If you want to do well on your exam, remain cool and confident.

