Revised CS NOC Guidelines for transfer of Training, Know the reason of ICSI NOC ICSI LIVE UPDATE therajpicz

Important Announcement Revised NOC Guidelines for transfer of training

The Council of the Institute has approved the following revised NOC guidelines:

Trainees are required to get their training registered in the records of the Institute preferably

after agreement/appointment letter before the commencement of their training. If they fail to

do so, they have an option to get it registered within 3O days from the date of commencement

of their training.

Any delay in training registration with the Institute, which is more than 3O days will not be

considered as valid training and such delayed period shall not be taken in the records of

the Institute.

The first two months of the training shall be treated as a Probation period. A trainee is free to

take a transfer during the probation period by serving 7 day's notice period. The Training

undergone by the student during probation shall be taken in the records of the Institute.

For the remaining period after the probation, no transfer shall be allowed. However, in

exceptional cases as specified, the transfer may be allowed during this period.

Exceptions cases for transfer:

1. Medical grounds

2. Transfer of any one of the Parents to another city

3. Misconduct involving moral turpitude.

4. Death/disability of trainer.

5. Cancellation/ Ceasing/surrender of COP*

6. Professional misconduct by the trainer under the Company Secretaries Act

7. A Company is not operational or the name of the Company is removed from

the register of Companies by ROC or the Company is dissolved.

8. Removal of the name of the trainer from the members register of the Institute*.

9. Marriage basis (for female trainees) only if there is reallocation to another

city involving a distance of 50 km or more from the current professional

address of the Trainer.

lO. Irregular/non-payment of stipends continuously for 3 months.

I 1. Shifting the trainer to another city involving a distance of more than 5 km from

the current address of the trainee.

12. Secondment of trainees: A trainer, with the consent of the trainee, may

depute the latter for training for a period not exceeding six months to a

member/organization/other entities eligible to engage and train a trainee as

per the Institute's guidelines. Students have to submit the request for

secondment as per the Institute's prescribed format (Annexure 12.1)

13. Voluntary/Mutual NoC: Upon mutual agreement by Trainer and Trainee'

(*A trainer is expected to intimate Cancelbfan/ Ceasing/ sender oJ COP or

Removal oJ his/her curled Jrom tle members register oJ the Insfttute to tle

trainee immediatelA. A Jailure may be contd. ered as a professional rnisconductbg tlw trainer under the Company Secretaries Act.) Click here for more

ICSI Forms And Formats Of CS Training


Icsi noc pdf

Icsi noc format

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icsi training agreement stamp paper

icsi training portal

icsi stimulate

icsi training completion certificate

icsi training transfer guidelines

Noc in icsi training pdf

How to apply for noc in icsi training

icsi training portal

icsi training transfer guidelines

icsi noc format

st-10 form icsi

icsi training completion certificate

icsi training agreement

How do I resign from CS training?

What is the notice period for CS trainee?

How to apply for transfer of training in ICSI?

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Icsi noc pdf Icsi noc format st-10 form icsi icsi training agreement stamp paper icsi training portal icsi stimulate icsi training completion certificate icsi training transfer guidelines Noc in icsi training pdf How to apply for noc in icsi training icsi training portal icsi training transfer guidelines icsi noc format st-10 form icsi icsi training completion certificate icsi training agreement
