CS RESULT ANNOUNCEMENT : Dec 2023 Exam ICSI Executive and CS Professional students.

Result of CS Professionol Progromme ond Executive Progromme (Syllobus 2017 &

Syllobus 2022) Exominotions, December,2023 Session would be declored on Sundoy,

the 25th Februory, 2024 os per the following schedule:

Stoge of Exominotion Time

Professionol Progromme I l:OO A.M.

Executive Progromme O2:00 P.M.

The result olongwith individuol Condidote's subiect-wise breqk-up of morks will be

ovoiloble on the lnstitute's website : www.icsi.edu on declorotion of the result.

Formol e-Result-cum-Morks Stotement of Executive Progromme Exominotion (Syllobus

2017 & Syllobus 2022) will be uplooded on the website of the lnstitute www.icsi.edu

immediotely ofter declorotion of result for downlooding by Condidotes for their

reference, use ond records. No physicol copy of the Result-cum-Morks Stotement will be


The Result-cum-Morks Stotement for Professionol Progromme Exominotion will be

despotched to the Condidotes ot their registered oddress soon ofter declorotion of the

result. ln cose the physicol copy of Result-cum-Morks Stotement is not received by ony

Cqndidote within 30 doys of declorotion of result, such Condidotes moy contoct the

lnstitute ot: exom@icsi.edu olong with his/her porticulors.

Next Exominotion for Executive Progromme (Syllobus 2017 & Syllobus 2022) ond

Professionol Progromme (Syllobus 20lZ & Syllobvs 2022) will be held from I't June,

2024 to IOth )vne, 2024 for which online Exominotion enrollment form together with

requisite Exominotion fee sholl be submitted from 26rh Februory,2024.Source

Check your CS Result through these two links 

ICSI HOME PAGE - https://icsi.edu/home/
Other Way to check results - https://icsi.examresults.net/

keep checking telegram for the latest update
