CSEET Registration Fees Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand Only) including CSEET (Guide 1 & 2) per student per appearance.

CSEET Classes advance fees (Optional) (Students can remit advance fees towards CSEET classes by Regional/Chapter offices of ICSI at the time of CSEET Registration. Rs. 1000/-

Concession in CSEET Registration Fee applicable to various categories of students are as under: Category Concession SC/ST 50%

Physically Handicapped 50%

ICSI Staff and Wards / Spouse of ICSI Staff 75%

ICLS Officers/ Officers & Staff of MCA and affiliated offices (NCLT, SFIO and CCI) 100%

Students from North Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep & Himachal Pradesh 50%

Students from the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh 100%

Important 126 F&Q for Company Secretary Students CS Executive CS Professional | ICSI LIVE UPDATE | You Must Bookmark or Save this website


Q.1 Has the new admissions to Foundation Programme discontinued after the introduction of new

regulations / CS Executive Entrance Test (CSEET)?

A.1 Yes. New admissions to Foundation Programme have been discontinued after the introduction of new regulations and the CSEET has been introduced as a qualifying test for registration to Executive Program.

However, the existing students are being allowed to appear in the Foundation Programme Examinations till the expiry of the validity period of their registrations which is three years from the month of their registration.

Q.2 Can the Graduates / Post Graduates (Bachelor’s/Master’s Degree Holders can seek registration directly to the Executive Programme?

A.2 Yes. The Graduates (Minimum 50% Marks) / Post Graduates can take direct admission to CS

Executive Programme.

Q.3 Is there any category of students who are exempted from qualifying for CSEET for seeking

registration to the Executive Programme?

A.3 Yes. As per the present guidelines, the following categories of students are exempted from

qualifying CSEET and are eligible to seek registration directly to the Executive Programme :

1. Company Secretaries Foundation Programme passed students

2. ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) Final Course passed students.

3. ICMAI (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) Final Course passed students.

4. Graduates (Minimum 50% Marks)

5. Post-Graduates

Q.4 What is the revised Fee Structure for registration to the Executive Programme?

A.4 • Click here

Q.5 Is there any exemption fee applicable for such exempted categories of students?

A.5 Yes. Click here

However, CS Foundation Programme students are NOT required to pay any exemption fee.

Q.6 What is the schedule for conducting CSEET?

A.6 The tentative schedule for conducting CSEET is as under registration:

-- 16th December to 15th April, Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of May, results will be declared By 4th Week of May.

-- 16th April to 15th June, Saturday/ Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of July, results will be declared By 4th Week of July.

-- 16th June to 15th October, Saturday/Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of November, results will be declared By 4th Week of November.

-- 16th October to 15th December, Saturday/Sunday in 2nd /3rd Week of January, results will be declared By 4th Week of January.

Q.7 What is the fee for registration to CSEET?

A.7 Click here.

Q.8 Is there any concession in Fee for any category of students for registration to CSEET?

A.8 The following concessions are applicable while registering for CSEET :

- Category ConcessionSC/ST 50%

- Physically Handicapped 50%

- Wards & Widows of Martyrs and Defence Service Personnel with Permanent Disability 100%

- Serving / Retired Personnel of Defence Services and Paramilitary Forces 50%

- ICSI Staff and Wards / Spouse of ICSI Staff 75%

- ICLS Officers/ Officers & Staff of MCA and affiliated offices (NCLT, SFIO, and CCI) 100%

- Students from the North Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands,

- Lakshadweep (a similar scheme is being introduced for the Students of Himachal Pradesh) 50% of Students from the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh 100%

Q.9 Which are the subjects covered under CSEET?

A.9 The CS Executive Entrance Test shall be conducted on a single day as per the following: a)

Computer Based Test of 120 Minutes consisting of four parts viz. (i) Business Communication; (ii)

Legal Aptitude & Logical Reasoning (iii) Economic and Business Environment & (iv) Current Affairs;

and b) Viva Voce of 15 Minutes on “Presentation and Communication Skills”

Q.10 What is the mode/ pattern of CSEET?

A.10 The CSEET is an online Computer-based Test. CSEET is a test of 200 marks comprising of MCQs, audio clips, video clips, and descriptive questions.

Q.11 What are the qualifying criteria of CSEET?

A.11 An aggregate of 50% and a minimum of 40% marks in each subject are the qualifying criteria.

Q.12 What is the duration of the Test?

A.12 The duration of the test is 135 minutes (120 Minutes for the MCQ test and 15 minutes for Viva Voce).

Q.13 Is there any negative marking in CSEET?

A.13 No. There is no negative marking.

Q.14 Is there any Viva Voce as part of Paper No. 4 i.e. Current Affairs, Presentation and

Communication Skills

A.14 The Current Affairs is a computer-based Test carrying 20 marks (out of 50 Marks) and Viva Voce

(Presentation and Communication Skills) is for 15 Minutes carrying 30 Marks.

Q.15 Is there any change in the cut-off dates for registration to Executive and Professional

Programs for appearing in the examinations?

A.15 Yes. The revised dates shall be as under :

For June Session- For All Modules 30th November (previous year) and For One Module 31st January (same year)

For December Session - For All Modules 31st May (same year) and For One Module 31st July (same year)

Q.16 Are students allowed provisionally to register for the Executive Programme?

A.16 Only CSEET passed candidates can submit their 10+2 mark sheet within six months from the date of Executive Programme Registration. This Provisional Registration for CSEET passed candidates who are appearing in 10+2 is valid for the year 2021 only. The following other categories are not eligible for provisional registration in the Executive Program.

1. Company Secretaries Foundation Programme passed students

2. ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) Final Course passed students.

3. ICMAI (The Institute of Cost Accountants of India) Final Course passed students.

4. Graduates (Minimum 50% Marks)

5. Post-Graduates

Q.17 Are the students required to successfully complete the Pre-Examination Test before seeking

enrollment in Executive and Professional Programme Examinations?

A.17 Yes. Students registered under Syllabus 2017 (including those who switched over to Syllabus 2017 from

the earlier syllabus) and onwards shall be required to successfully complete the Pre-Examination Test

before seeking enrollment in Executive and Professional Programme Examinations.

Q.18 Is there any change in the dates for seeking examination enrollment to Executive &

Professional Programme Examinations?

A.18 There is no change in the cut-off dates for seeking examination enrollment. The dates for seeking examination enrollment shall be as under : 

Session Period during which the students can submit examination form and fee The period during which the students can submit examination form and fee (with prescribed fee) June The online examination enrollment window is opened tentatively on 26th February and the students may submit the forms up to 25th March Students may submit the examination form during 26th March to 9th April with Late Fee. December The online examination enrollment window is opened tentatively on 26th August and the students may submit the forms up to 25th September Students may submit the examination form from 26th September to 10th October with Late Fee.


Q.1 How to Register for CSEET Entrance Examination?

A.1 The steps for registration for CSEET are as under:

Step 1: To Register for “CSEET”, type www.icsi.edu in any recommended

browser (IE 9, Mozilla 38.0 & above, Chrome 39.0), then click on “Online


Step 2: Click on the link for registering for CSEET.

Step 3: Fill in Basic Details

Step 4: Fee Details

Step 5: Upload Mandatory documents

Step 6: Preview Application

Click on the “Confirm Application” button after previewing

Step 7: Payment Mode Selection and Click on Next Button.

Step 8: Transaction Id Generation. Note transaction Id for future reference.

On Successful Payment, You will be registered in CSEET and the same will be intimated through

email/SMS on your registered email id/mobile number. You can appear for the CSEET as per the

schedule sent through email/SMS.


Q.1 Whether Registration Form is also available on the institute’s website? If yes, can I download it

and submit the same?

A.1 No. A downloaded copy of the registration form is not acceptable. Students are essentially required to fill up and submit their application through Online Mode.

Q.2 Which are the stages covered under CS Course?

A.2 There are two stages covered under CS Course.

1. Executive Programme

 A student who passed/appeared in the Senior Secondary (10+2) Examination equivalent thereto

and passed CSEET Examination shall be eligible to appear in the CS Executive Programme

OR  ICAI, ICMAI Final Course passed, Graduates (Minimum 50% Marks) and Post-Graduates

students can seek direct admission to the Executive Programme.

OR  Foundation Passed of ICSI

2. CS Professional Programme – CS Executive Passed

Q.3. I am appearing in the Final year exam of Graduation. Can I apply for direct registration in

Executive Programme?

A.3. No. Provisional admission is not allowed in the Executive Programme

Q.4. I have registered online. When would I get my study material?

A.4. Students who have registered online need to upload their documents to their respective

accounts. After that their documents are verified at the Institute’s end. In case the application is

complete in all respects, the same is approved and students get study material within 10- 12 days

after approval of/her application

Q.5. Is there any requirement to send any document or copy of the online registration

application along with documents to the Institute in physical form?

A.5. Students applying through online mode are NOT required to send hard copies of any document

to the Institute unless specifically asked for producing the same for verification.

Q.6. Which subjects are covered under the Executive Programme?

A.6. There are eight (8) subjects covered under two modules: -

Module- 1





Module – 2





Q.7 I want to register for CS Course but cannot make a payment online using a credit card. What do I do?

A.7 For online registration, apart from Credit Card, may pay through Debit Card/ Net banking Channels

/ or Bank Challan (Through Canara Bank Branches). If you are facing any difficulty paying through

the payment gateway or not getting payment confirmations (including non-generation

acknowledgments), kindly send the request at support.icsi.edu

Q.8 What is the procedure for getting a refund of excess payments during the Online registration process?

A.8 After successful payment, a formal acknowledgment/receipt will be generated by the system. In

case of multiple payments, you may write to the Directorate of Student Services at dss@icsi.edu for

processing the refund of the excess amount received by the Institute.

Q.9 What fees do I need to pay to register for CS Executive Programme?

A.9 Click here

Q.10 What are the various fee concessions for registration in the Executive Programme?

- Category ConcessionSC/ST 50%

- Physically Handicapped 50%

- Wards & Widows of Martyrs and Defence Service Personnel with Permanent Disability 100%

- Serving / Retired Personnel of Defence Services and Paramilitary Forces 50%

- ICSI Staff and Wards / Spouse of ICSI Staff 75%

- ICLS Officers/ Officers & Staff of MCA and affiliated offices (NCLT, SFIO, and CCI) 100%

- Students from the North Eastern States, Andaman & Nicobar Islands,

- Lakshadweep (a similar scheme is being introduced for the Students of Himachal Pradesh) 50% of Students from the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh 100%

Q.11 I have already applied for my registration. When shall I get the CS Registration Number?

A.11 Students get the User Id instantly after making payment of requisite fees. This user Id is in fact their Registration Number.

Q.12 My CS registration is pending. What should I do now?

A.12 Registration is pending due to either non-compliance with documentary evidence or submission of

fewer fees. Students are sent emails regarding the pendency of registration. Registration gets approved

in compliance with the above.

Q.13 I have received an incomplete set of ICSI books. When will I receive the balance (Books) Study


A.13 Incomplete sets of books are sometimes provided to you at the time of registration, due to the out-of-stock position of certain study materials or due to updation in the study material. The remaining books

are automatically sent to the students immediately upon arrival of fresh stock.

Q.14 I have not received my registration letter and Identity Card. Please let me know the

procedure to obtain the registration letter and Identity card?

A.14 The Institute has discontinued the system of sending Registration Letters and Identity Card by post

(in physical form). Instead, the registration letter along with the Identity card can easily be

downloaded from Institute’s website www.icsi.edu

Q.15 I have subscribed to the journal ‘Chartered Secretary along with my registration fee. Kindly

let me know the procedure for getting the journal.

A.15 As per procedure, all requests received for subscription for sending Chartered Secretary are

forwarded to the concerned section for sending the same to the respective student. In case of not

receiving the same, you may take up your queries/grievances through Communication Portal by

selecting CS Journal from the drop-down menu at support.icsi.edu

Q.16 What is the validity period of my registration number?

A.16 Registration for the Executive Programme and Professional Program is valid for five years.

Q.17 Can I get the validity of my registration number renewed after the expiry of the same?

A.17 Registration of students of Executive Programme / Professional Programme can be renewed

after the expiry of five years period from the month of registration.

Q.18 What is ICSI Student Education Fund Trust?

A.18 To encourage economically backward and academically bright students to

pursue the Company Secretaryship Course, the Institute has created a Trust viz. ICSI Students

Education Fund Trust. The details are available at https://www.icsi.edu/seft/


Q.1 I have passed both modules of the Executive Programme. I wish to take admitted in

Professional Programme. Where can I get the application form for enrolment in

Professional Programme?

A.1 The Regional & Chapters offices of the ICSI will not accept the Registration Applications in

the physical form effective from 1st January 2014. It is further clarified that the downloaded copies

of Registration Forms are also not to be accepted. Students are advised to apply for

registration through online mode at https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx

Q.2 What is the fee for registration in CS Professional Programme?

A.2 Click here

Q.3 What is the process of registering online?

A.3 A “Step by Step Procedure for Online Registration” is as follows :

Login with user ID and password (https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx )

1. Click on Module => Student Services=> Professional Registration Request

2. Students can view the syllabus in which he/she is getting enrolled by clicking on the view syllabus link

3. Students will have to select the optional subject (mandatory).

4. Students can also opt for a CSJ subscription by clicking on the check box against the CSJ label.

5. Now click on “Proceed to payment”.

6. On Successful payment receipt will get generated (otherwise the payment is

not successful)

7. You are Successfully admitted to Professional Programme

8. After submission of fees download your Professional Registration Letter &

Identity card

Q.4 What are various cut-off dates for appearing in one / or three modules of

Professional Programme examination?

A.4 For June Session - For All Modules 30th November (previous year)

For One Module 31st January (same year)

For December Session - For All Modules 31st May (same year)

For One Module 31st July (same year)

Q.5 Students registered in the professional program after cutoff dates can appear in the

immediate session of the exam with some penalty or late fee?

A.5 Under any circumstances, the student cannot appear in the examination for which he/she is not


Q.6 Which subjects are covered under the Professional Programme New syllabus 2017

A.6 Total Nine (09) subjects under three Modules


1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances, and Ethics

2. Advanced Tax Laws

3. Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances


4. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due Diligence

5. Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation & Winding-up

6. Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non-Compliances & Remedies


7. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

8. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book examination)

9. Electives 1 out of below 8 subjects

9.1 Banking – Law & Practice

9.2 Insurance– Law & Practice

9.3 Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices

9.4 Forensic Audit

9.5 Direct Tax Law & Practice

9.6 Labour Laws & Practice

9.7 Valuations & Business Modelling

9.8 Insolvency – Law and Practice

(The examination for this paper will be an open book examination)

Q.7 Students who have registered in the professional program under the old syllabus 2012

can appear in the New syllabus in 2017

A.7 Last Examination under the Professional Programme (Old Syllabus 2012) will be held in

December 2021. From June 2022 Session, all students will automatically switch over to the

Professional Programme (New Syllabus 2017) and no student can appear in the professional

program under the old syllabus (2012).

Q.8 Is there any option for a change of elective subject?

A.8 Yes, student can change their elective subject before filling out the examination form. Guidelines &

Detailed procedure to change elective subject may be seen at the following link of the

Institute’s website:- https://www.icsi.edu/media/website/Guidelines_Switchover.pdf

Login with user ID and password then Click on Module => Student Services=> Change

optional subject

Q.9 Is there any option to Switchover from the Professional Programme syllabus 2012 to


A.9 Students who wish to switchover from syllabus 2012 to 2017 are advised to submit their request

through online services: https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx 

Click on Module => Switchover=>Apply for Switchover

Q.10 Is it true that all Students of the Executive and Professional Programme 2017 New Syllabus (including those switchovers to New Syllabus) are required to successfully complete an Online Pre-Exam Test to become eligible for appearing in the main examinations?

A.10 Students who have registered under New Syllabus 2017 or have switched over from Old Syllabus 2012 to New Syllabus 2017 of Executive Programme and Professional Programme shall be required to successfully complete a Pre-Exam Test before enrolling for the main examinations.


How To Apply for CS DENOVO Through SMASH Portal of ICSI LIVE UPDATE #csdenovo #ICSI #CS

Q.1 When can I apply for registration CS De-novo (i.e. renewal of registration)?

A.1 A student can apply for registration de-novo (i.e. renewal of registration) immediately on

expiry of five years from the date of his/her previous registration but in any case within

five years from the date of expiry of the registration.

Q.2 What is the validity of ICSI de-novo registration?

A.2 De-novo registration is valid for a further period of five years.

Q.3 How many times I can apply for registration CS De-novo?

A.3 Registration De-novo can be sought continuously an unlimited number of times, provided

the same is sought within the stipulated period.

Q.4 I wish to apply for registration for De-novo. Where can I get the de novo form?

A.4 Physical de novo forms are not acceptable w.e.f 1ST January 2014. Students are advised to apply

online through https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx

Q.5 How can I pay the de-novo fees?

A.5 Students can make payment of applicable fees through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net banking.

Q.6 How much fee I am required to pay for applying for registration De-novo?

A.6 Rs.2,000/- (lump- sum). Students who apply for Registration de-novo within two years of the

expiry of former registration.

Rs 3,000/- (lump-sum) If students fail to apply for Registration de-novo within two years of expiry

Registration, they may still seek Registration de-novo within a maximum period of five years

from the expiry of the former registration.

Students belonging to Physically Handicapped Category and SC/ST Category will be required

to remit only 25% and 50% respectively of the lump sum fee applicable for General Category

Students as mentioned above for seeking Registration De-novo.

Q.7 Can I apply “online” for registration de-novo?

A.7 Yes.

Q.8 How can I apply de novo of registration through online mode?

A.8 login with user ID and password (https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx )

1. Click on Module > Student Services > Apply For Denovo

2. Select service name: De novo

3. Click on “Proceed to payment”

4. Select Payment Mode

5. Request ID and Transaction ID will generate on successful submission of the request.

6. Click on Proceed

7. For all successful payments, a Payment receipt is generated otherwise the

payment is not successful)

8. Please download Identity Card

In case of an unsuccessful /initiated request please resubmit your request

1. Click on Module => Student Services= > De novo request

2. Click on Request ID

3. In view Applied Service window, Click on Proceed to Payment

4. Select Payment Mode

5. Click on Proceed

Please note :

 All students of the Executive and Professional Programme whose registrations are expired shall be required to seek renewal through the “Registration Denovo” process.

 The registrations of a student should be valid at the time of submitting the examination enrollment application. Otherwise, the student will be required to seek renewal through Registration Denovo before submitting the Examination Enrollment Form.

Difference Between CS DENOVO, CS EXTENSION, ICSI Re-Registration Continuation of CS Registration

Q.9 Whether study material is issued to the student seeking registration for CS denovo?

A.9 Students may please note that while granting Registration Denovo, Study Materials shall not be

issued to the students. Study materials, if any, required by them may be purchased from the

Institute by remitting the requisite amount separately as the cost of study materials is not

covered under the Registration Denovo Fee

Q.10 What is the last date for applying for De Novo of Registration?

A.10 The following are the cut-off dates for applying for De Novo vis-à-vis the CS Examinations

conducted in June & December :

i) 09th April : ( For June session of examination )

ii) 10th October : ( For Dec. session of examination )

Q. 11 If I renew my registration shall I get registered under the old syllabus itself or under new

syllabus and whether my exemptions already granted and module passed will be treated

as valid or not?

A. 11 Renewal of registration only extends registration validity it does not have any impact on the syllabus

/module pass or exemption already granted.

In nutshell, the syllabus in which the student is already registered before renewal will remain the same.

Any module(s) passed details would remain intact and the Exemption already granted remains

valid till completion of the respective module/stage.


Q.1 Who is eligible for the CS Continuation of Registration?

A.1 Student who has passed Professional Programme shall be required to keep the registration

valid till completion of all training requirements to become entitled to be enrolled as a member of the Institute.

Q.2 What is the validity of the Continuation of Registration?

A.2 Continuation of registration is valid for a further one-year period.

Q.3 How many times I can apply for the Continuation of Registration?

A.3 The renewal through Continuation of Registration shall be done on a ‘per year basis depending

upon the left-over training period and a student may seek ‘Continuation of Registration’ for a maximum period of five years at one go. For any Further details/queries, submit your query at Communication Portal support.icsi.edu

Q.4 I wish to apply for continuation of registration. Where can I get the ContinuationForm?

A.4 Physical Continuation forms are not acceptable. Students are advised to apply through

online services at https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx

Q.5 How can I pay the Continuation of Registration fees?

A.5 Students can make payment of applicable fees through Bill desk/Kotak Bank.

Q.6 How much fee I am required to pay for applying for Continuation of Registration?

A.6 The fee is Rs.1000/- per year. The Continuation of Registration shall be effective from the

date of expiry of former registration and the students shall be required to pay accumulated

arrears of fee, if any, from the date of expiry of former registration. Arrears of fee, if any,

shall be applicable for a maximum period of five years.

Q.7 Can I apply “online” for the CS Continuation of Registration?

A.7 Yes.


Q. 1 Who is eligible to claim CS subject-wise exemption based on qualifications

A.1 Exemption based on Higher qualification is available at the following link, please go

through the same. https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/Paperwise_exemption_syllabus17.pdf

For any Further details/queries, submit your query at Communication Portal support.icsi.edu

Q.2 What is the last date for applying for a Paper-wise exemption (Based on qualification)?

A.2 The Cut-off dates for applying for paper-wise exemption (based on qualification )are given below :

i) 9th April : ( For June session of examination )

ii) 10th October : ( For Dec. session of examination )

Applications received after the stipulated cut-off dates will be considered for next

Subsequent sessions of examinations even if all eligibility conditions are fulfilled.

Q. 3 I am having required qualifications. How can I claim the subject-wise exemption?

A.3 Student is required to apply for exemption through online services available at


Please follow the steps for applying for an exemption based on higher qualifications from the

user manual link placed below:


How to apply for Qualification Based Exemption for CS students ICSI, watch till the end #Rajpicz

Q. 4 I have already been granted an exemption. I have also received a confirmation

mail/letter in this connection from the Institute. Am I required to pay an exemption fee per

subject every time I am appearing in the examinations?

A.4 No. The exemption fee is required to be paid only once and the exemptions once granted will

hold good during the validity of the registration period or passing/completing the

examination, whichever is earlier. No need to apply again if the exemption has already been granted.

Q. 5 What are the criteria for getting a paper-wise exemption, if I have secured more than 60%

marks in any paper in my earlier examinations of ICSI?I was absent on one paper. In this scenario, whether I am eligible for Exemption based on 60% marks or not?

A.5 The eligibility criteria for exemption are based on securing 60% or more marks available

at the following link https://www.icsi.edu/docs/website/Faq_exemption.pdf

Q. 6 How much fees I am required to pay for claiming a paper-wise exemption based on

60% marks secured in Institute’s earlier examinations?

A.6 No exemption fee is required for claiming an exemption based on 60% marks secured in

Institute’s earlier examination.

Q. 7 Is there any option to cancel the Exemption and what is the Last Date to cancel the

Exemption already granted?

A.7 Yes, students can cancel the Exemption 30 days before the commencement of the Examination.

Q. 8 What is the process of Cancellation or Exemption?

A. A.8 User manual of Cancellation of Exemption is placed below :



A) FAQ on the Switchover Scheme for Executive Programme 2012 (Old) Syllabus to Executive

Programmed 2017(New) Syllabus

Q. 1 Which are the effective dates of implementation of the New Syllabus (2017) for Executive

Program Stage?

A.1 Stage/ Syllabus Effective Date ofImplementation(*)

Executive (2017) New Syllabus 1st March 2018

Q. 2 Which are the papers covered under the New Syllabus of the Executive Programme Stage?



1. Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Laws

2. Company Law

3. Setting up of Business Entities and Closure

4. Tax Laws


5. Corporate & Management Accounting

6. Securities Laws & Capital Markets

7. Economic, Business, and Commercial Laws

8. Financial and Strategic Management

Q. 3 Which is the last session of examination for appearing in the Executive Programme

Examinations under 2012 Old Syllabus?

A.3 The Last Examinations under the Executive Programme (Old Syllabus 2012) will be held in

December 2021.

Q.4 Which is the first session of examination for appearing in the Executive Programme

Examinations under the 2017 New Syllabus?

A.4 The First Examination under the Executive Programme (New Syllabus 2017) will be held in

December 2018

Q.5 I am presently under the 2012 Old Syllabus of the Executive Programme. Am I eligible to

switchover to the New 2017 Syllabus of Executive Programme?

A.5 Yes. Students of the 2012 Old Syllabus may switch over to the 2017 New Syllabus. The process of

switchover to the New Syllabus may be seen at the following link on the Institute’s website: https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/switchover_process.pdf

Q.6 Is it true that all Students of Executive Programme 2017 New Syllabus (including those who switch over to New Syllabus) are required to successfully complete an Online Pre-Exam Test to become eligible for appearing in the main examinations?

A.6 Students who have registered under the New Syllabus 2017 of the Executive Programme shall be

required to successfully complete a Pre-Exam Test before enrolling for the main

examinations. Students switching over from Old Syllabus 2012 to New Syllabus 2017 of

Executive Programme shall also be required to successfully complete a Pre-Exam Test to

become eligible for enrolling in the main examinations.

Q.7 Please let me know the details of corresponding paper-wise exemptions under the New 2017

Syllabus of Executive Programme on switching over from Old 2012 Syllabus

A.7 Syllabus 2012 Syllabus 2017

Company Law Module 1; Paper 2- Company Law

Cost and Management


Module 2, Paper 5- Corporate and

Management Accounting

Economic and Commercial Laws Module 2; Paper 7- Economic, Business

and Commercial Laws

Tax Laws and Practice Module 1; Paper 4- Tax Laws

Company Accounts and Auditing


Module 2, Paper 5- Corporate and

Management Accounting

Capital Markets and Securities


Module 2; Paper 6- Securities Laws &

Capital Markets

Industrial, Labour, and General


Module 1; Paper 2- Jurisprudence,

Interpretation and General Laws


Q.8 I had registered in Executive Programmed under the Old 2012 Syllabus and the Institute has issued Study Materials of Old Syllabus. Please clarify if the Institute will be issuing the Study Materials about the New 2017 Syllabus of the Executive Program I switch over to the New Syllabus.

A.8 Students who shall be switching over from Old Syllabus shall have to procure the Study Materials of New Syllabus 2017 by remitting the requisite cost via https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/ECart/Default/ECartSearchOnlineBooks.aspx

Q.9 After the switchover to the 2017 (New) Syllabus, I will be left with two / three / four papers

spread across different modules. Shall I be eligible to get the benefit of aggregate

marks by adding the marks scored by me in papers under different modules?

A.9 Students who shall be enrolling and appearing in All the remaining papers/modules under the 2017 (New) Syllabus after switchover, shall be eligible to get the benefit of aggregate marks by adding the marks scored by them in papers under different modules. For instance, if a student is required to pass three papers under the 2017(New) Syllabus in three different modules and if he scores 45, 46, and 59 Marks each in the said papers shall pass the examinations based on scoring 50% aggregate marks across modules and minimum 40% marks in each paper, if appears in all such remaining papers on switchover, in one sitting.

Q.10 I have passed Module-I of the Executive Programme 2012 (Old) Syllabus comprising of

four papers. In which papers I shall be required to appear to complete the Executive

Program Stage?

A.10 You will have to appear in the following Four papers spread in two Modules under the

Executive Programme 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Executive Programme


Module under Executive

Program 2017 (New)


Subject (s) to be passed

Module 1 1. Jurisprudence, Interpretation & General Law

2. Setting up of Business Entities and Closure

Module 2 3. Securities Laws & Capital Markets

4. Financial and Strategic Management

Q.11 I have passed Module - II of the Executive Programme 2012 (Old) Syllabus comprising

of two papers. In which papers I shall be required to appear to complete the Executive

Program Stage?

A.11 You will have to appear in the following Five papers spread in two Modules under the

Executive Programme 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Executive Programme


Module under Executive

Program 2017 (New)


Paper (s) to be passed

Module 1 1. Company Law

2. Setting up of Business Entities and Closure

3. Tax Laws

Module 2 4. Economic, Business, and Commercial Law

5. Financial and Strategic Management

B) FAQ on the Switchover Scheme for Professional Programme 2012 (Old) Syllabus to Professional Programme2017(New) Syllabus

Q.1 Which are the effective dates of implementation of the New Syllabus (2017) for professional

Program Stage?

A.1Stage / Syllabus Effective Date of Implementation (*)

Professional (2017) New Syllabus 1st September 2018

Q.2 Which are the papers covered under the New Syllabus of the Professional ProgrammeStage?


1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances, and Ethics

2. Advanced Tax Laws

3. Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances


4. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due Diligence

5. Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation & Winding-up

6. Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non-Compliances & Remedies


7. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

8. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book examination)

9. Electives 1 out of below 8 subjects

9.1 Banking – Law & Practice

9.2 Insurance– Law & Practice

9.3 Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices

9.4 Forensic Audit

9.5 Direct Tax Law & Practice

9.6 Labour Laws & Practice

9.7 Valuations & Business Modelling

9.8 Insolvency – Law and Practice

(The examination for this paper will be an open book examination)

Q.3 Which is the last session of examination for appearing in the Professional Programme Examinations under the 2012 Old Syllabus?

A.3 The Last Examinations under the Professional Programme (Old Syllabus 2012) will behold in

December 2021.

Q.4 Which is the first session of examination for appearing in the Professional Programme

Examinations under the 2017 New Syllabus?

A.4 The First Examination under the Professional Programme (New Syllabus 2017) was held

June 2019.

Q.5 I am presently under the 2012 Old Syllabus of Professional Programme. Am I eligible to

switchover to the New 2017 Syllabus of Professional Programme?

A.5 Yes. Students of the 2012 Old Syllabus may switch over to the 2017 new syllabus.

The process of switchover to the New Syllabus may be seen in the following

link to the Institute’s website: https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/switchover_process.pdf

Q.6 Is it true that all Students of Professional Programme 2017 New Syllabus (including those

switchovers to New Syllabus) are required to successfully complete an online-Exam

Test to become eligible for appearing in the main examinations?

A.6 Students who have registered under the New Syllabus 2017 of the Professional Programme shall be

required to successfully complete a Pre-Exam Test before enrolling for the main

examinations. Students switching over from Old Syllabus 2012 to New Syllabus 2017 of

A professional Programme shall also be required to successfully complete a Pre-Exam test

become eligible for enrolling in the main examinations.

Q.7 Please let me know the details of corresponding paper-wise exemptions under the New 2017

Syllabus of Professional Programme on switching over from Old 2012 Syllabus


Advanced Company Law


Module 2; Paper 6

Resolution of Corporate Disputes, NonCompliances &Remedies

Secretarial Audit,

Compliance Management

and Due Diligence

Module 2; Paper 4 -

Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management

and Due Diligence

Corporate Restructuring,

Valuation and Insolvency

Module 2; Paper 5 –

Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency,

Liquidations& Winding-up

Information Technology

and Systems Audit

No exemption

Financial, Treasury and


Module-3, Paper- 7-

Corporate Funding &Listings in Stock


Ethics, Governance and


Module 1; Paper 1-

Governance, Risk Management,

Compliance and Ethics

Advanced Tax Laws and


Module 1; Paper 2 - Advanced Tax Laws

Drafting, Appearances and


Module 1; Paper 3 - Drafting, Pleadings

and Appearances

Elective Subjects Module 3; Paper 9 - Elective paper

Q.8 I registered in Professional Programmed under the Old 2012 Syllabus and the Institute has issued Study Materials of Old Syllabus. Please clarify if the Institute will be issuing the Study Materials about the New 2017 Syllabus of ProfessionalProgramme if I switch over to the New Syllabus.

A.8 Students who shall be switching over from Old Syllabus shall have to procure the Study

Materials of New Syllabus 2017 by remitting the requisite cost via https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/ECart/Default/ECartSearchOnlineBooks.aspx

Q.9 After the switchover to the 2017 (New) Syllabus, I will be left with two / three / four papers

spread across different modules. Shall I be eligible to get the benefit of aggregate

marks by adding the marks scored by me in papers under different modules?

A.9 Students who shall be enrolling and appearing in ALL the remaining papers/modules

under 2017 (New) Syllabus after switchover, shall be eligible to get the benefit of aggregate

marks by adding the marks scored by them in papers under different modules. For

For instance, if a student is required to pass three papers under the 2017(New) Syllabus under three

different modules and if he scores 45, 46, and 59 Marks each in the said papers shall pass the

examinations based on scoring 50% aggregate marks across modules and minimum

40% marks in each paper, if appears in all such remaining papers on switchover, in one


Q.10 I have passed Module-I of the Professional Programme 2012(Old) Syllabus

comprising of three papers. In which papers I shall be required to appear to complete

the Professional Programme Stage?

A.10 You will have to appear in the following six papers spread in two Modules under the

Professional Programmed 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I 1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances, and Ethics

2. Advanced Tax Laws

3. Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances

Module II Exempted

Module III 4. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

5. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book


6. Electives 1 out of below 8 subjects

 Banking – Law & Practice

 Insurance– Law & Practice

 Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices

 Forensic Audit

 Direct Tax Law & Practice

 Labour Laws & Practice

 Valuations & Business Modelling

 Insolvency – Law, and Practice

(The examination for this paper will be open

book examination)

Q.11 I have passed Module - II of the Professional Programmed 2012 (Old) Syllabus

comprising of three papers. In which papers I shall be required to appear to

complete the Professional Programme Stage?

A.11 You will have to appear in the following seven papers spread in three Modules under the

Professional Programmed 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I 1. Advanced Tax Laws

2. Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances

Module II 3. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due


4. Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation &


5. Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non- Compliances

& Remedies

Module III 6. Multidisciplinary Case Studies (The examination for

this paper will be an open book examination)

7. Electives 1 out of below 8 subjects

 Banking – Law & Practice

 Insurance– Law & Practice

 Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices

 Forensic Audit

 Direct Tax Law & Practice

 Labour Laws & Practice

 Valuations & Business Modelling

 Insolvency – Law, and Practice

(The examination for this paper will be open

book examination)

Q.12 I have passed Module - III of the Professional Programmed 2012(Old) Syllabus

comprising three papers. In which papers I shall be required to appear complete

the Professional Programme Stage?

A.12 You will have to appear in the following six papers spread in three Modules under the

Professional Programmed 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I 1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and


Module II 2. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management and

Due Diligence

3. Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation &


4. Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non-Compliances

& Remedies

Module III 5. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

6. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book

examination) Insurance– Law & Practice

Q.13 I have passed Module – I & II of the Professional Programmed 2012(Old) Syllabus

Comprising of three papers each. In which papers I shall be required to appear to

complete the Professional Programme Stage?

A.13 You will have to appear in the following Four papers spread in two Modules under the

Professional Programme 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I 1. Advance Tax Laws

2. Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances

Module II Exempted

Module III 3. Multidisciplinary Case Studies (The examination for this

the paper will be an open book examination)

4. Electives 1 out of below 8 subjects

 Banking – Law & Practice

 Insurance– Law & Practice

 Intellectual Property Rights– Laws and Practices

 Forensic Audit

 Direct Tax Law & Practice

 Labour Laws & Practice

 Valuations & Business Modelling

 Insolvency – Law, and Practice

(The examination for this paper will be an open book


Q.14 I have passed Module –I &III of the Professional Programmed 2012 (Old) Syllabus

Comprising of three papers each. In which papers I shall be required to appear to

complete the Professional Programme Stage?

A.14 You will have to appear in the following Three papers spread in two Modules under the

Professional Programme 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I 1. Governance, Risk Management, Compliances and


Module II Exempted

Module III 2. Corporate Funding & Listings in Stock Exchanges

3. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book


Q.15 I have passed Module –II & III of the Professional Programme 2012 (Old) Syllabus

comprising three papers each. In which papers I shall be required to appear to

complete the Professional Programme Stage?

A.15 You will have to appear in the following Four papers spread in two Modules under the

Professional Programme 2017 (New) Syllabus to complete the Professional Programme


Modules under


Program 2017

(New) Syllabus

Paper(s) to be passed

Module I Exempted

Module II 1. Secretarial Audit, Compliance Management, and Due


2. Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency, Liquidation &


3. Resolution of Corporate Disputes, Non-Compliances &


Module III 4. Multidisciplinary Case Studies

(The examination for this paper will be an open book



Q.1 Can you please explain how the CS Re-Registration method works?

A.1 The registration to the regular stage of the CS Course (consisting of the Executive Programme &

Professional Programme stages) is valid for five years. Students are eligible to seek

Registration De novo in case they are not able to complete both the stages within the five-year

period. However, the Registration De novo has to be sought within a maximum period of five

years after the expiry of their registration failing which the benefits accrued under the said

registration will get canceled and the students will have to seek fresh registration and have to

start ab initio. The Re-Registration method is specifically for such students who are not able to seek

Registration Denovo after passing the Intermediate Course/ Executive Programme Stage under

the various Syllabi introduced by the Institute from time to time.

Q.2 Is the Re-Registration method different from the Registration De novo? If yes how does it work?

A.2 Yes. Under the Re-Registration Method, the total exemption will be granted from Executive

Program Stage for those students who have passed the Intermediate Course/ Executive

Program under various syllabi introduced by the Institute from time to time. Such students

will be eligible to resume the CS Course from Professional Programme Stage. The ReRegistration Method is only applicable for students who have passed the Intermediate Course/

Executive Programme Stage in the past but are not eligible to seek Registration Denovo.

Q.3 I am eligible to seek Registration Denovo. Am I eligible to resume CS Course

through Re-Registration Method?

A.3 No. Students eligible for seeking Registration Denovo will not be eligible to resume CS

Course through Re-Registration Method.

Q.4 I have passed certain papers in the Final Course/Professional Programme Stage also. Am I

eligible for corresponding paper-wise exemptions against the papers passed by them in

the Final Course/ Professional Programme Stage in addition to total exemption from

Executive Programme Stage under the Re-Registration Method?

A.4 Yes. The Council of the Institute in its 256th meeting held on 15th November 2018 has decided

& approved the grant of exemption to students from the papers of Executive Programme only in

case of re-registration and no paper of the Professional Programme will be exempted to those

students. However, corresponding paper-wise exemptions, in case of switch over from the

existing syllabus 2012 to new syllabus 2017, will continue to be granted to the students.






331 Advance Company Law and


436 Resolution of Corporate Disputes, NonCompliances & Remedies

332 Secretarial Audit,

Compliance Management

and Due Diligence

434 Secretarial Audit, Compliance

Management and Due Diligence

333 Corporate Restructuring,

Valuation and Insolvency

435 Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency,

Liquidation & Winding-up

334 Information Technology and

System Audit

No Exemption

335 Financial, Treasury and

Forex Management

437 Corporate Funding & Listing in Stock


336 Ethics, Governance and


431 Governance, Risk Management,

Compliances and Ethics

337 Advance Tax Laws and


432 Advance Tax Laws

338 Drafting, Appearances and


433 Drafting, Pleadings, and Appearances

339 Elective Subject 439 Elective Subject

Q.5 How the students will seek CS Re-registration?

A.5 Students will fill up the prescribed Re-registration form from the following link of the Institute’s

website and send the same to the Institute along with the requisite documents & fee.

Development of an Online facility is also being explored which will be introduced subsequently.


Q.6 What is the Re-registration fee and what will be the mode of payment and is there any

other additional fee applicable for Students re-registered under the new syllabus 2017?

If yes, please clarify.

A.6 The Re-registration fee is Rs.12000/- which is equivalent to the fee applicable for registration to

the Professional Programme Stage. The fee has to be remitted by way of a demand draft

favoring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi / Noida.

Yes, apart from the Re-registration fee @ Rs.12000/- students have to remit the Pre-exam test Fee @ Rs. 1000/- separately through Online mode. http://www.icsi.in/PreExamFees/Login.aspx

Q.7 What will be the validity period of Re-registration and what if the students are not able to

complete the Professional Programme Stage within the validity period?

A.7 The registration will be valid for five years and such students will have to seek Registration

Denovo after the said period.

Q.8 What are the documents to be attached to the registration form?

A.8 Two latest passport size photographs, Demand Draft, Copies of Mark Sheet(s), Pass

Certificate(s) relating to their passing of CS Examinations, Date of Birth Certificate & Other

Qualification Certificate.

Q.9 Where the application is to be forwarded?

A.9 To, The Directorate of Student Services,

C-36, Sector-62,

Noida – 201 309 (U.P)

Q.10 From where I can get more information/ clarification on the Re-Registration


A.10 For any Further details/queries, submit your query at Communication portal



Q.1 How much examination fee is to be paid?

A.1 Click here

Q.2 What is the mode of payment for ICSI exam fees?

A.2 The fees may be remitted only through the online payment gateway as available at Institute’s

website www.icsi.edu by way of Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Netbanking / Bank Challan (Canara

Bank), etc.

Q.3 When the ICSI examination enrollment starts and what is the last date of submission of

examination forms for June & December Sessions of Examinations?

A.3 The CS Examination Forms for June & December Sessions can be filled as per the

following last dates: -

Session Without late fees With late fees of Rs.250/- June Examinations 25th March 9th April December Examinations 25th September 10th October While the Examination Enrollment starts on 25th February for June Session, the examination enrollment for December Session starts on 25th August every year.

Q.4 I wish to fill up the examination form. From where can I get the Examination Form?

A.4 Examination application can be filled up only through online services available at https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx

Q.5 How can I fill examination form Online?

A.5 Procedure to submit Examination Form :

Login to https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx after that Login (through Registration No.) &

Password -----click Module --- Enrolment -------------- Examination Enrolment Request.

Q.6 I have already submitted my examination. Now I wish to change my center/Medium/

Inter Change of Module. How can I do so?

A.6 Students can submit the change request only through online services available at Institute’s website

www.icsi.edu Click Login https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx after that Login (through

Registration No.) & Password -----click Module --- Enrolment-- ----Examination Enrolment Request --- Apply for Enrolment Services at least 30 days before the commencement of the examination of the Institute. Payment of the application fee is to be made through the payment gateway. Please note that a change of exam center within the same city is not permissible.

Q.7 I have already submitted my examination form. Now I wish to add Module. How can I

do so?

A.7 Students can submit addition of module requests only through online services available at Institute’s

website www.icsi.edu Click Login https://smash.icsi.edu/Scripts/login.aspx after that Login

(through Registration No.) & Password -----click Module --- Enrolment ----Examination Enrolment

Request --- Apply for Enrolment Services latest by 9th April /10th October for June/December session

Q.8 I have already submitted my examination form. How will I get my CS Admit Card (i.e. Roll No.)?

A.8 Admit Card ( i.e. Roll No. ) can be downloaded from the Institute’s website www.icsi.edu before 10- 12 days of commencement of the Institute’s examinations.

Q.9 I have already passed the examination. How will I get my mark sheet?

A.9 Mark sheet can be downloaded from Institute’s website www.icsi.edu. Effective from June 2011

the session, hard copies of mark sheets are issued to only such students who have passed Professional

Program. A hard copy of the mark sheet is NOT issued to Foundation / Executive passed students.

Q.10 I have already passed the examination. How will I get my Pass Certificate?

A.10 Pass Certificate is issued to only such students who have passed the Professional Programme (i.e. who have completed all three modules of the Professional Program). Issue of Pass certificate has been discontinued for Foundation /Executive passed students effective from June 2010 session.

Q.11 I received my mark sheet. But I have lost it. How can I get the duplicate mark sheet?

A.11 Student is required to submit an application (addressed to Directorate of Examinations) for the same and send it to the Institute’s Noida office along with a demand draft of Rs 100/- +Rs. 40/= drawn in favor of “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi. The duplicate mark sheet will be sent at his/her address within 15 days or can apply online through Institute’s website www.icsi.edu

Q.12 I received my Pass ICSI Certificate. But I have lost it. How can I get the duplicate


A.12 For the issue of duplicate pass certificate may please arrange to submit the following:

1. Demand draft for Rs. 236/= in favor of THE INSTITUTE OF COMPANY SECRETARIES OF INDIA

payable at NEW DELHI.

2. Affidavit on Rs. 10/= non-judicial stamp paper (format appended below)

Your request should be addressed to:

To, The Joint Secretary (Student Services)

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

C-36 Sector-62

Noida- 201 309


I ----------------------------- S/o Shri -------------------------aged -------------------at present residing at --------

-----------------------------------having Registration Number ----------------------------------- solemnly affirm

and declare that:-

1. I have passed the Professional Programme Examination of the Institute as per the details given :

Module – I in June/December____________ under Roll No__________

Module – II in June/December____________ under Roll No___________

Module – III in June/December____________ under Roll No__________

Module – IV in June/December____________ under Roll No__________

2. I hereby declare that Professional Programme pass certificate sent by The Institute of Company

Secretaries of India to me have been lost/ destroyed.

3. I hereby undertake to return the said certificate sent by the Institute, if received or traced at any

subsequent date.

4. I solemnly affirm that this declaration is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Solemnly affirmed at -----------------------

aforesaid this(date) -----------------------------



First Class Magistrate/Notary (with seal)

For any Further details/queries, submit your query at Communication Portal support.icsi.edu

Q.13 I require a Transcript / Certified copy of the syllabus for further studies inAbroad. How Can I get the same?

A.13 1- An application on plain paper for the issue of a transcript mentioning the number of copies of the transcript required, the purpose for obtaining the transcript, and your correspondence address;

2- Please note that mark sheets are mandatory for the transcript. A screenshot of the Professional Programme from the website is not acceptable In case, If you do not have a copy, then it is advised to get a duplicate mark sheet from the Directorate of Examination and send us for further processing. If you have completed the Executive Programme after June 2011 then the mark sheet is available on the Institute’s website.

3- The prescribed fee is Rs. 295 /-per set of transcripts (Rs.250 + 18% GST); There is no option for online payment. If the transcript is sent to the agency situated overseas, the postal charges will be applicable for Rs. 1400/- (through Speed Post) except WES as the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) the arrangement covers both WES USA and WES Canada. The institute can now send documents to WES electronically.

4- Payment could be made through Demand Draft in favor of ‘The Institute of Company Secretaries of

India’ payable at New Delhi;

5- The application should be addressed to the Joint Secretary, Student Services, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, ICSI House, C-36, Sector-62, Institutional Area, Noida-201309

For any Further details/queries, submit your query at Communication Portal support.icsi.edu

Q. 14 What is the procedure for surrendering of result to re-appear in the same group/module?

1. For surrender of result you are required to submit an Affidavit on Rs. 10/= non-judicial stamp paper

(format appended below).

2. Attach the mark-sheet (Executive /Professional Programme) to original

Your request should be addressed to:

To, The Joint Secretary (Student Services)

The Institute of Company Secretaries of India

C-36 Sector-62

Noida- 201 309


I -----------------------------S/o, D/0 Shri -------------------------aged -------------------at present residing at -----

--------------------------------------having Registration Number ----------------------------------- solemnly affirm

and declare that:-

1. I have passed Module ______ Executive / Professional Programme Examination of the Institute vide

Roll No. _______ in __________ session (copy of the mark-sheet attached)

2. That I wish to re-appear in the above Module _______ of the Executive /Professional Program to be

held in ____________ Examination.

3. That I am surrendering the said result of the Executive / Professional Program examination held in June

2017 for seeking higher marks in the Institute’s examination.

4. I will not claim any benefit in the future that I have received against the above result.

5. I solemnly affirm that this declaration is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Solemnly affirmed at -----------------------

aforesaid this(date) -----------------------------



First Class Magistrate/Notary (with seal)


Q.1 I am not receiving emails from the Institute. What are the steps to be taken by me to enable the same?

A.1 Please check the E-Mail Id and Mobile Number in your online profile after logging into your

account at www. ii.  Edwin case you have any difficulty in Login, check your password by retrieving

the same. The registration number is the username for students. Please update the email and

mobile number in case of any discrepancy.

In case you still do not start receiving the bulk mails, lodge a complaint with our Communication

Portal: support.icsi.edu to enable the Institute to verify the status and take further necessary action.

Q.2 I am not receiving any communications, Chartered Secretary Journal, etc. sent by post by the


A.2 Please check your correspondence address in your online profile after logging into your account at

www.icsi.edu Please update the same in case of any discrepancy. In case the correspondence address is correct and yet you are not receiving the articles sent by the Institute by post, please lodge a complaint with the Communication Portal: support.icsi.edu to enable the Institute to verify the status and take further necessary action.

Q.3 What are the Guidelines to minimize Security threats to your online account on the Institute’s website

A.3 1. Use a Complex password (like Flowers -> F10w@r$) for your online accounts.

2. Change the CS passwords frequently.

3. Logout from the online account properly after the session is completed.

4. Do not let your online login account be unused/ideal for a long time.

5. Do not share your online account details with any unauthorized person.

6. Clear the browsing history and cookies after logout from the system.

7. Try to avoid using unsafe internet cafés to the maximum.

8. Do not use the “remember password” option during the login.

9. Please inform such type of security threat incidents to the Institute on an immediate basis.


