How Last Minute Exam Preparation Gives You Extra Marks?

Although this effect of consistent attention on studies is significant and makes students feel more comfortable about their preparations, last-minute preparations, when done well, maybe quite beneficial. 


  • Getting books with detailed information about the stated syllabi will not aid you here. To get the desired results, students must use a cautious approach.

Important points to remember when cramming for examinations at the last minute

  • Free your thoughts of the idea that only animals of the night can pass the exams. 'Staying up late and attempting to study has a negative impact on your health.
  • ' You should try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

  • Nutrition is highly important to maintain your physical and mental health healthy. 
  • Try to eat a diet high in proteins and minerals. 
  • To ease stress, eat fruit salads and rely less on caffeine-based items, as they disrupt sleeping patterns, which are crucial to maintaining.

  • Stress during exam time is one of the greatest adversaries of achievement because it keeps pupils in a continual state of discontent. 
  • Meditation and a quick morning stroll are both effective stress relievers. Consider a goal and discuss it with your loved ones.

Do last-minute preparations truly make a difference?

  • Whether last-minute preparations are beneficial depends on how they are carried out. 
  • Wasting days memorizing some theoretical notion isn't going to assist at this critical juncture.
  •  You must follow an organized study plan to make your studies successful even at the last minute:

1. Examine the test pattern thoroughly.

  • If you're taking a reliable examination that requires verbal responding skills or one that requires numerical abilities, understanding the expertise you'll need to give answers is critical. 
  • A higher level of focus is necessary when reading and comprehending the questions on a verbal ability exam. 
  • Better mathematical abilities with quick recommendations for strong computations are necessary for the numerical-based assessment.

2. Examine past papers and practice exams to see what you can learn.

  • No one can give you a better idea of how well you've prepared than prior year's papers. 
  • That is one of the most effective ways to prepare. 
  • The question's values and phrasing may change, but the concept stays the same.
  •  Solving papers exposes students to a wider range of situations, allowing them to identify patterns in issues.
  • Students become familiar with the pattern after a lot of repetition, so they don't lose time outlining the approach, to begin with, the answer.

3. For improved learning, write and practice.

  • There are several meanings that must be memorized word for word. 
  • Writing and rehearsing can help you master these skills. 
  • Furthermore, some derivations and techniques must be firmly imprinted in the mind in order to dispel the haze that surrounds the fundamental concept. 
  • Trying to practice my writing clarifies the areas where you are lacking, allowing you to strengthen the weak regions while brushing up on your knowledge.

I hope Step - by - step outlined above will help you save time and put your efforts in the appropriate direction so that you get the outcomes you want.

