How to Remember EVERYTHING You Read or Learn from Books? 5 best ways to boost your brainpower.

Remembering! The brain's powerhouse appears to be an enthralling concept. It helps you remember important facts, provides an opportunity to learn interesting concepts, learn about different individuals, recall information, and motivates you to do better. 


  • But memory is strange as well! You could recall an incident from ten years ago, yet you might forget the identity of someone you met rather an hour earlier.
  • Remembering knowledge, particularly meaningful knowledge, is essential for brain fitness as well as development.
  •  Following methods to boost remembering skills can help you study and grow in a more comprehensive manner, of whether you're a 16 youngster or a 30 adult!

1. Don't avoid sleep and exercise if you can help it -

  • Of course! Our intellect, like our bodies, needs to work out. 
  • Don't be afraid to exercise. 
  • Exercise promotes the production of new cells, increases brain activity, and aids the transmission of information between neurons. 
  • As a result, your memory improves. Furthermore, studies show that getting enough sleep aids memory retention.
  • So get some rest and exercise to help you remember better!

2. Have a good time - laughing and having a good time are essential.

  • A statement that refers to memorizing is "all effort and no game makes Johnny a dull boy."
  •  Laughing and having a good time with your friends broadens your memory, enables you to associate, and assures that you learn something new, all of which increases your memory.

3. Lower your stress levels -

  • Getting stressed out over an exam prep or interviews will actually reduce your ability to memories information. 
  • Stress, in reality, damages cells in the hippocampal area of the brain, reducing the potential to generate new memories.
  • So, to get more knowledge, recall effectively, and retrieve older memories, relax and minimize your stress levels.

4. Consume brain-boosting foods —

  • Healthy food, such as omega-3-rich foods, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, acts as a brain tonic, allowing you to remember things better.

5. Use mnemonics if you're having trouble remembering things –

  • Mnemonics are a type of memory aid. 
  • These are wonderful encoding strategies that assist you to boost your memorization abilities as well as your information retrieval abilities. 
  • For enhanced remembering, try these mnemonics.
  • Organize all of the data by determining what they have in common. 
  • For example, if you wish to remember the symptoms of a specific sickness, create a phrase in which each initial letter refers to a characteristic.
  • To recall anything, try rhyming, or using similar terminal words. This method is very beneficial while learning another language.
  • Compose the data into chunks and organize it.
  •  Divide ten numbers into three parts, for example, to make them easier to recall. Organize data into smaller chunks and phrases.

  • Learning things through images or the technique of loci is a great approach to do it. 
  • Imagine the scene
  • imagine how the monarch arrived at a certain location and defended it from foes if you're studying history.

So guy's I can assure you, these above pointers will undoubtedly aid you in improving your remembering abilities!

