The Most Effective Method to Pass the Company Law Exam on the First Attempt for CS All Students.

 A Company Secretary's bread and butter are Company Law. It is your most important topic, and you must master it.

CS Executive Company Law is the foundation for four4 major subjects for CS professionals. So accept it and trust me when I say that it is a fantastic subject that you will feel that way with.


What is the best approach?

1. You are not needed to recall sections or form numbers at the executive level. Try not to waste your time trying to remember them. (Because this is an MCQ paper, sections are necessary.)

2. Recognize the legal provisions. Your ability to interpret should be excellent. If it isn't, keep reading; you'll figure it out eventually. Do not surrender. The subject is rather simple once you comprehend the provisions.

The ICSI Module's name should be self-explanatory. The provisions are stated in clear English and presented in a logical order. Read the bare act if you're interested (PDF is available on (Don't start the naked act too close to the exam.)

3. Pick one book to study and stick with it to the end. While reading, always carry a pencil in your hand and utilize it! Clarify or underline the most important parts of the provision, provide definitions or illustrations in the margin, and so on. This aids in last-minute revision the night before the test.

4. Don't really change reference materials within three months of the exam. The course material is extensive. When your head is overflowing with test pressure, you will be perplexed if you notice a new book.

5. Look at past question papers and compose at least one response every day. Your writing talents will grow with time. Theory papers need a lot of writing practice.

Crawford, William says's "It's simple to be a student. Learning necessitates substantial effort."

How do you present your answers?

  • For Direct questions: Give a quick overview of the subject.
  •  Fill up the blanks with the applicable provision or notion that has been requested. Conclude. 
  • Never start a response with "It is true or false" if it is a true/false question.
  •  Explain the topic first, then mention true or untrue in the last paragraph.
  • In Case laws: which make up the majority of the questions. 
  • "The supplied question relates to the provisions of CA,2013 related to _____," begin your response. 
  • Explain the legal provision without mentioning the question. 
  • The second paragraph should be all about the legislation. In the third paragraph, apply the legal provisions to the provided question and draw a conclusion. 
  • The conclusion receives just one point. So, even if you don't know the answer, at the very least write it down. You may score 3/5.

All responses should be brief and to the point. Marks are reduced for writing shorter and for writing extraneous nonsense.

  • You must attempt a paper with a minimum of 95 points. Normally, 10–15 points are removed.
  •  You might lose 10–20 points. You may receive a score of 55–60 out of a possible total of 95, which is acceptable.

What to Do and What Not to Do? 

1. As you may be aware, Company Law and SEBI Regulation are required courses for company secretaries as well as in the workplace.

2. ICSI Module should always be the major book. It is critical to read each module at least once.

3. When studying corporate law, one must strike a balance between preparing for the test and gaining experience. Exams should receive greater attention.

4. Nowadays, ICSI is asking both conceptual and technical questions.

5. Keep up with ongoing changes in Company Law 2013, even if they aren't relevant to the test, to assist you to earn a strong CL score.

6. Keep all necessary provisions in mind.

7. When you're reading for the first time, don't strive to recall everything.

8. Recognize the logic of the provision and the aim of the legislator.

9. Don't get tangled up in several professors' notes around exam time.

10. Instead of learning the legislation, focus on grasping the concept.

11. Continuously put yourself to the test. Take any year's paper and begin solving it as if you were taking an actual test. This will help you stay motivated in the test room.

12. Don't wait until the last minute to revise a module. Handwritten notes or correction notes are always preferred.

13 At least three times through the entire subject.

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